• 19 April 2018, Thursday
  • Saint-Petersburg, Кораблестроителей д.14

C++ Russia 2018

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2523 дня назад
с 9:00 19 April до 19:00 21 April 2018
Кораблестроителей д.14

C++ Russia with bliny and matryoshkas! Best speakers from all over Russia for two days. The conference is for experienced developers! By now the Group has set up meetings in several cities of Russia: Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and Saratov. We invite speakers from variety of cities and from other countries as well.

Keynote speaker will be Jon Kalb, the C++ developer with 25-years of expirience.
During that time he was programming with C++ for Amazon, Apple, Dow Chemical, Intuit, Lotus, Microsoft, Netscape, Sun, Yahoo!, and a couple of companies you’ve never heard about. Jon is the chairman of CppCon and the author of the "C++ Today: The Beast is Back" book.



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